I believe that
there are many homeless people due to unemployment, uneducated people, economic
status and health issues. Unemployment most of the time occurs because of
discrimination against race. For example, a white and black person could be
interviewed at the same time and although the black person was more outgoing
with more to offer, the white person would get the job due to bias of racial
discrimination. Discrimination against a person of color is a factor in
unemployment that should not be tolerated or practiced in any case. Frequent
unemployment lead to high rates of homelessness which invades the streets with
unfortunate individuals. Unemployment leads to homelessness, starvation, and
last but not least it portrays a negative image of the United States
The U.S
government should be having a priority in education. To provide full financial
aid opportunities of higher education to all American born citizens will
further enrich the values of America. Many students don’t want to attend
college for the fear of being financially unstable while having other
priorities. This fear or priorities force individuals to work full time, while
having a high risk of being laid off when something in particular is not in
demand. Typically a demand for people who illegally emigrate from other
countries to “have a better lifestyle” is high because they earn lower than
minimum wage with no citizenship rights. It is important to pay attention to the level
of education each American citizen obtains because a better education system
will lead to a better country. A greater emphasis in K-12th grade
education will also help students gain motivation to pursue a four year degree,
therefore having the government invest more of its money into this category
will help alleviate if not diminish homelessness in the U.S.
In the U.S.
there exists a group of people with mental and health issues who are homeless
or close to being homeless. Economic status is a big part of this issue, as
those who struggle financially and are in need of a doctor don’t have the funds
to pay for medication or therapy. It is essential for a person with a
disability to have good economic standing to be able to have a positive health
progression. Many people who do not have the money to help their relative or
themselves to get better, end up selling their possessions or anything that may
help them get the money they need to pay a doctor or medication. Many families
go through this situation, making it very difficult to pay home bills, buy
food, or even pay for rent. Many families end up homeless when they are
unqualified of receiving help from the government to pay for medical expenses.
It is important for the government to address all health issues and provide
everyone with a decent way of life, especially in a country like the U.S.
believe that the government is responsible for the homelessness in the U.S. It
is evident that there are thousands of people who are homeless as one passes
through the streets of downtown LA. Homelessness could be an issue that is
possibly ignored because the government prefers to spend money on other things
like war and worldwide issues. I believe it’s important for the U.S. government
to take care of its people hence it will create a better society for American
citizens and increase the values of the American people.
Excellent commentary. I see your points; clear and concise. Government is not only the absolute response, sometimes private individuals can help to solve the problem too. May be engaging on after school support or donating your time with low income children at schools could be an effective way to help solving the problem.